TES Infernal Tutoring #77
Goodbye Grief! Wizards of the Coast has finally taken action in Legacy (and several other formats) to return to a healthier metagame. Grief, along with the most maligned portions of the Dimir Rescaminator deck, has been removed from Legacy. Don’t get it twisted, though—Dimir Tempo still ...
How to beat Vexing Bauble & Consign to Memory
Modern Horizons 3 brought anti-Storm cards that are here to stay. Both Vexing Bauble and Consign to Memory have become mainstays of the format, but not even because of Storm! The archetype is receiving splash damage because other archetypes that these cards primarily target are powerful. This ...
Matchup Mulligan: Stiflenaught
Final Bant Nadu Combo Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the play) Force of Will Force of Will Undercity Sewers Dark Ritual Echo of Eons Ponder Song of Creation Keep or Mulligan? Keep Starting off with two copies of Force of Will gives you a solid defense against Bant Nadu’s early-game tactics. ...
Deck Guide: Ruby Storm
With Modern Horizons 3, Wizards of the Coast set out to revitalize combo in Modern. When people talk about the heyday of Modern in 2017-2018, Izzet Gifts Storm was the premier spell-based combo deck. Since then, the printings of Force of Negation and other interactive spells have pushed it out ...
Matchup Mulligan: Bant Nadu Combo
Final Selesnya Depths Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the draw) Boseiju, Who Endures Lion’s Eye Diamond Lotus Petal Mox Opal Misty Rainforest Commercial District Lotus Petal Keep or Mulligan? Keep This hand offers a strong combination of mana sources and potential plays. With double Lotus ...
TES Infernal Tutoring #76
Good Grief! Legacy is in an interesting (and potentially unfortunate) spot right now. With a “no changes” format update in the most recent Banned & Restricted announcement, many Magic: The Gathering players are crying out against a “Lame Duck” format. The purported ...