A little over two weeks ago, I made the decision to split my Mac’s hard drive to run Bootcamp (I tried to run Parallels as well, but that just ran incredibly slowly). Something I’ve been pretty against for some time, I told myself I’d wait to run MODO until there was a version for OSX – well, it’s 2017 and that doesn’t exist yet. Wizards of the Coast needs to get their shit together with that.
In the few weeks that I’ve had MODO, I’ve played in a dozen or so leagues pretty quickly. That’s the real benefit to playing on Modo, you can get quality matches and gather data in a shorter amount of time. This allows you to play test cards without waiting for your store’s local event each week. A secondary benefit is higher quality opponents with better decks, I didn’t mind and somewhat enjoyed using Cockatrice. That said, people join the queues knowing who you are and then load their deck full of hate cards instead of something they’d actually play in an event.
Due to the increased amounts of games, I was quickly able to see things that were and weren’t working in my deck list from EE6. Below you will see how it shifted to what I ran this past weekend.
Modo has a lot of plus sides and some serious downsides, such as the terrible interface and UX, but one of the things for me is the “feel bads” vs. “run goods”. I’ve recently started recording all of my match data and it will eventually lead to data based decisions about things in my deck. What it’s done so far is record variance in Magic, for example, I lost eight straight die rolls last week. I also went 1-3 DROP in back to back leagues, but I also went 5-0 in one too. For the most part, I tend to get mostly 4-1s and 3-2s but I feel the highs and lows are exaggerated when playing online.
Because of this I almost played Miracles at Star City Games: Worcester this past weekend. I seriously considered it, but after some thought, it felt a bit like giving up. I own Miracles and have played it in tons of local events, in terms of playskill – I’m past proficient. Playing it over TES in a large event feels like the Standard mentality of “just play the best deck”, which isn’t something I want out of the format that only has seven to nine large events each year. I’d rather take my chances resolving Ad Nauseam.
Playing through Eternal Extravangza VI and the monthly Mythic Games, I began to feel my mana base was stretched thin trying to support both Pulverize and Reverent Silence. The cards were both solid and I used them both in events, but I found myself wondering, at what cost were they worth it? I had definitely lost games opening up hands of Badlands and Bayou. With tracking data and playing on modo, this became much clearer to me. While these cards were fine, they needed to leave in order to have a more fluid and consistent deck.
You’ll notice a lack of Surgical Extraction in my sideboard, I was using it as a way to combat RB Reanimator and to an extent Miracles. I’ve given into the idea that if a matchup is that bad, don’t bother trying to fix it. RB Reanimator is just a terrible match and I don’t want to be wasting sideboard slots on it to make it a slightly increase my abysmal win percentage. I was using Surgical Extraction against Miracles as a way to mess with them once they went to activate Sensei’s Divining Top to draw a card (mid-combo), stop Snapcaster Mage and to exile all copies of Force of Will, Flusterstorm or Counterbalance. It was fine, but overall, not necessary.
I changed my approach to the Miracles matchup. I’m no longer trying to grind them down, I’ve found that with TES, it’s almost playing into their hand. Instead, I’m looking to land a quick Xantid Swarm and just combo-kill them when I can. Recently, lots of unique counter spells have been the trend. I’m talking about cards like Invasive Surgery, Spell Snare, Spell Pierce, Pyroblast and Hydroblasts. These have been paired with pretty standard cards out of blue-based decks like Counterspell, Flusterstorm and Force of Will. In order to combat these, I’ve looked to Xantid Swarm. It’s a reasonable option against Miracles, 4c Control as well as a bomb in the Sneak & Show matchup!
The last addition, is a second copy of Empty the Warrens in the board. This is not for Miracles, this is for Delver of Secrets decks, Death & Taxes and Chalice of the Void decks to help find faster ways to win the game.
In between my EE6 Decklist and my list from SCG: Worcester, you might’ve read my article where I talk about a “win-condition-less” list. I played that list a ton, what I found was that I missed Empty the Warrens too much. While being able to safely reveal cards down to two life from Ad Nauseam was fantastic, I definitely lost more games where I couldn’t just dump Goblins into play on turn one with an Infernal Tutor.
Trip to Worcester & The Events
The drive to Worcester went by very quickly, lots of thinking on the lone four-hour drive. I couldn’t help but to be excited to spend a weekend with my friends: Royce Walter, Sam Roukas, and Devin Reilly. Honestly, I think I was more looking forward to eating at the Armsby Abbey twice in one weekend – that place is pretty great.
The two Legacy events both had fairly respectable numbers! The Legacy Open had 750 people and the Classic had 158 players.
Opponent had a cool play of casting Aluren and then Vendilion Clique. I responded with a Brainstorm and they flashed in Leovold. I then killed them on my turn.
I likely lost this match because I didn’t do an obvious play, but a play based on a gut feeling. I had a resolved Cabal Therapy on the stack and my choices were Stifle or Spell Pierce(I knew about this from a very early Gitaxian Probe). Through the course of the game, it would’ve made sense for her to Spell Pierce a few spells but instead she hard cast Force of Will. I had a feeling that she Brainstormed away the Spell Pierce. I named Stifle so she couldn’t counter my Empty the Warrens from my hand. Her hand was Pyroblast, Spell Pierce and a land. On her turn a Cabal Therapy happened and I lost the game from there.
I lost game two because I took an aggressive line, my opponent had one unknown in hand and nothing else. I went to go jam Ad Nauseam but lost to Daze. I could’ve taken a slower Past in Flames line that would’ve won, especially considering it was the only card in my opponents hand and all he had was lands and Noble Hierarchs.
I suspected Kyle was on Miracles as I’ve known him for sometime and kept a slow hand game one and was punished. In our second game, he Brainstormed into Force of Will.
Game One: Leslie wins the die roll and he immediately slams a Griselbrand on the table. I put an Underground Sea into play off of the Show and Tell. Untap and decide to play my land for turn, which is a mistake. I laid a second Underground Sea, because I thought there would be no way my opponent would ever Force of Will a Rite of Flame off of a Lotus Petal. I was wrong. If I held the land, I could’ve played a second Rite of Flame, Dark Ritual and Ad Nauseam from hand. Instead, my opponent was able to attack me and draw seven more cards. My opponent casts another Show and Tell putting Sneak Attack into play. I drop another land.
I cast Rite of Flame, my opponent immediately casts Force of Will. Attacking the mana is certainly a strategy, if you’re trying to bottle neck storm long enough to swing with a 15/15. But I don’t think it’s better than counter spelling a business spell or something a little more powerful. Dark Ritual, Ad Nauseam. (resolved)
Game Two: This game is a little different. It’s much slower, I have a bunch of mana and Infernal Tutor, but no protection in my opening hand. We end up in a board state where Leslie has five untapped mana and uses Force of Will(Alt. cost) on a Duress. I decide at this point that I think Leslie has Flusterstorm in hand and that I’m going to take the risk of sacrificing my board to a 15/15 if I can win next turn, I play a pair of Lion’s Eye Diamond and two Lotus Petal. Leslie draws and passes. I draw a second Duress and cast it. Leslie allows it to resolve, for the first time I see Leslie’s hand: Flusterstorm, Flusterstorm, Island and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. In hindsight, I think I should’ve played Infernal Tutor here and then Ad Nauseam. Even if Leslie uses Flusterstorm I can pay and have a mana left open.
Instead, I pass and then kill him the next turn with four mana floating.
7-4 | 3-1
Round Five – Nicholas Malatesta with Elves
I actually was supposed to face Nick years ago at a previous SCG: Worcester, I wanted to play the final round to be the only person to X-0 a swiss of the old Star City event structure. He convinced me otherwise and I lost to Erik Smith in top 8.
Game One: It’s an interesting game, Nick has a first turn Deathrite Shaman off of Bayou. I cast a Gitaxian Probe: Forest, Nettle Sentinel, Quiron Ranger, Quiron Ranger and Heritage Druid, I then immediately follow up with Cabal Therapy. Nick can’t really use Deathrite Shaman for mana, so he starts eating my graveyard and deploying a single threat every turn. I have in hand: Burning Wish, Lotus Petal, Lotus Petal, Chrome Mox, Chrome Mox, Rite of Flame and Duress. I feel a sense of urgency, I decide the only way I’m winning this game is if Nick draws poorly the rest of the way and I swarm him with Goblins. I vomit 14 Goblins on the board.
Game Two: Nick opens with Thoughtseize and then the following turn a Cabal Therapy. Shortly after, a Null Rod. I spend most of the game playing lands and drawing Ritual effects. I draw an Abrupt Decay for Null Rod, but I’m getting dangerously close to death. I have two draw steps to find a business spell. I fail and take a Craterhoof Behemoth to the face.
I decide that with Cosmo being at twelve life that eight copies targeting him is the right number. He draws his eight cards, no Flusterstorm or Mind Break Trap. Using his last mana, Cosmo casts Brainstorm. He misses.
13-6 | 6-1
Round Eight – Sam Miller with Death & Taxes
After analyzing my breakers along with Royce, we both feel as if we cannot draw into top 8. By some weird chance, I was paired against the number one seed – Sam Miller. He’s excited to draw in, but I’m prepared to play if we have it. I ask Sam nicely if he would be willing to concede, he’s likely to be in the top part of the bracket anyway. He does the nice thing and agrees, which I am very thankful.
Royce against better judgement also decides to draw in. He’s convinced that he’ll end up in 9th place, instead, it’s the two of us facing off in the first round of top 8.
13-6 | 7-1
Top 8 – Royce Walter with ANT
Weirdly enough, the last time Royce and I played each other was at SCG: Worcester a few years ago on camera in the storm mirror. We were both undefeated at the time, except now, he’s playing a different storm deck.
The only benefit is additional information on if it’s best to immediately flashback Cabal Therapy for value. But even then, you’re not supposed to. How you lose this game is by not allowing Batterskull to hit the table, if you flashback Cabal Therapy, you’re providing an out for the opponent (assuming you made twelve Goblins instead of ten).
If I had beaten Sam, I planned on messaging him to compensate him for being an incredibly nice person and conceding me into top 8. After defeating me, Sam won the entire thing! Congrats to him.
16-8 | 8-2
Totals & Stats from the Legacy Classic
Games & Record: 16-8 | 8-2
The Die Roll: 2-5
Mulligans: 3
Turn One Kills: 3
Ad Nauseam Wins: 7
Past in Flames Wins: 4
Empty the Warrens Wins: 4
Natural Storm Wins: 2
Changes & Closing
One thing that has been clear is that the 4c control matchup is not easy. After talking with a few other storm pilots over the weekend, I’m going to try two copies of Carpet of Flowers in the sideboard for it as well as Delver of Secrets decks. The thought process is that they’re generally a pretty slow deck and that you can beat them by having recursive mana that allows you to throw a lot of haymakers without expending resources. It’s also an enchantment, which means it’s not easy to deal with outside of Abrupt Decay and that their discard is a little less effective. I’m not completely sold on this one, but I’m going to try it over the second copy of Empty the Warrens and a Xantid Swarm. The second Empty the Warrens was fine, I really only used it a few times. I could see myself sticking to this plan in the future. I didn’t miss Surgical Extraction at all and Xantid Swarm was good for me all weekend.
One thought has been running through my head, with all of these unique counter spells running around from 4c Control, Delver decks and occasionally Miracles – I can’t help but wonder: Is Cabal Therapy losing value?
The card is incredibly good, especially with Empty the Warrens. That said, guessing Invasive Surgery or Flusterstorm is a shot in the dark. Yet 4c control decks run both, sometimes Spell Snare too. I can’t help but wonder if we should be playing four Duress or even something else.
Overall, it was a great weekend. Saw some friends, ate great food, and my good friend Sammy “Old Man Miracles” Roukas top 8’d the Legacy Open. I was just happy to be playing Legacy all weekend, it didn’t hurt that I dodged Miracles for nearly twenty rounds as well.