TES Annual Domain & Hosting Fundraising – 2018

Hey, stormfans!

I would first like to start this by thanking everyone who has helped contribute to theepicstorm.com and all the hard work they’ve put in over the last three years. Everything you see on this site is done out of love for the game, and more specifically – the storm mechanic. Our writers & contributors aren’t paid and have to deal with my high-standards on a month-to-month basis and I can’t express how much their dedication means to me.

It’s been a year since the website has switched domain and hosting providers, which means that it’s come time to make payment. I’m writing today to ask that if you enjoy the content, articles, videos, sideboard guides, and much more to consider showing your support to the #TESteam. Anything past the $220 mark to cover costs will be put into my annual gift for the website’s writers (You may have seen last year’s TES pint glasses and local Syracuse Empire beer photos).

If we reach our goal of covering costs, I will be doing a thank you stream (on Twitch.tv) on Tuesday, August 21st at 6:30 pm EST. During this time, we’ll raffle off a FREE TES Tutoring Session for one lucky winner.


Thank you in advance for any donations that help keep the website going and up-to-date with current strategies & content.