Modern UR Storm 2018 — Deck Showcase

Main Deck:



Changes since 2017

  • All Japanese foil! — …and mostly signed.
  • Tried to go for original sets on most things. — I’m not rich.
  • No Remand — I’m a firm believer that it’s bad in the metagame.
  • Where’s Blood Moon? — No longer viable in a world with Field of Ruin & Assassin’s Trophy.
  • Why are the Abrades ugly? — My nice ones are out getting signed.
  • No Lightning Bolt!!?! — In a Spirits metagame, I think Dismember is better. Especially with 8 reducers.
  • Surgical Extraction? — It’s been very good as of late. Free interaction.
  • Four Empty the Warrens! — It’s an easy way to out-grind people.
  • TES Branded Tokens! — Get them here.
  • Crow Storm signed! — Token too!

» View 2017 Update

Extra Cards:
