TES Matchup Battles: Maverick

Matchup Battles

Maverick is a green white based deck that combines elements of aggression while being able to attack the opponent’s strategy. The draw to this deck is the flexibility in the deck list, being able to play cards like Green Sun’s Zenith along with silver bullets. This allows Maverick ...

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Through the Looking Glass: Grixis Delver with Jonathan Sukenik

Through the Looking Glass

Special thanks to Jonathan Sukenik for his contributions to today’s article. Grixis Delver has been hailed as the boogeyman of Legacy and been a primary driver of the recent calls to ban Deathrite Shaman. Whether or not you agree that it’s the best deck in the format, it’s ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Moon Stompy

Matchup Mulligan

Elves Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? I read a few responses saying they thought this hand was a mulligan due to multiple copies of Chrome Mox, no blue source, and no real business spell. Well, I disagree. The blue source can be issues by drawing any land either fron ...

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