Deck Guide: Ruby Storm

Modern Ruby Storm Primer

With Modern Horizons 3, Wizards of the Coast set out to revitalize combo in Modern. When people talk about the heyday of Modern in 2017-2018, Izzet Gifts Storm was the premier spell-based combo deck. Since then, the printings of Force of Negation and other interactive spells have pushed it out ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Bant Nadu Combo

Matchup Mulligan

Final Selesnya Depths Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the draw) Boseiju, Who Endures Lion’s Eye Diamond Lotus Petal Mox Opal Misty Rainforest Commercial District Lotus Petal Keep or Mulligan? Keep This hand offers a strong combination of mana sources and potential plays. With double Lotus ...

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The ABC’s of TES: Force of Will

The ABCs of TES

Traditionally in Legacy, any playable combo deck must be able to beat a Force of Will. Some combo decks play Force of Will like Sneak & Show and Doomsday. Storm decks of the past have avoided playing the best counter spell in Magic for a few reasons. Lion’s Eye Diamond and Infernal ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Dimir ReScaminator

Matchup Mulligan

Final Dredge Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the play) Mox Opal Lotus Petal Brainstorm Echo of Eons Chrome Mox Commercial District Burning Wish Keep or Mulligan? Keep You don’t need Lion’s Eye Diamond! Cast Lotus Petal, Mox Opal, and then Chrome Mox. With the Imprint trigger on the ...

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Opportunity Cost: Deck Building

Opportunity Cost Deck Building

The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. -Oxford Dictionary Opportunity cost is a term normally associated with finance and investing. In Magic: The Gathering, opportunity cost has deck building and playing applications. While playing, it tends to be ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Dredge II

Matchup Mulligan

Final Sultai Beanstalk Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the draw) Gaea’s Will Dark Ritual Dark Ritual Beseech the Mirror Thoughtseize Bloodstained Mire Misty Rainforest Keep or Mulligan? Keep An important aspect to the Sultai Beanstalk matchup is understanding you have plenty of time. They ...

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The ABC’s of TES: Beseech the Mirror

The ABCs of TES

Last year, I set out to write a comprehensive primer for The EPIC Storm (TES). I could not have anticipated how much the deck would change after just one set release. Beseech the Mirror obsoleted the primary engine of the deck and added several more, almost transforming TES entirely. Check out ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Sultai Beanstalk

Matchup Mulligan

Final Boros Initiative Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the play) Dark Ritual Mox Opal Beseech the Mirror Underground Sea Misty Rainforest Misty Rainforest Bloodstained Mire Keep or Mulligan? Mulligan This hand is a trap! It looks good, but it’s actually mediocre. To understand why, think ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Boros Initiative

Matchup Battles

Boros Initiative is a fast and aggressive creature-based deck. The entire deck revolves around getting aggressive and disruptive creatures into play as fast as possible. This means the deck is comprised of mostly fast mana and creatures. These creatures are divided into two categories, fast ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Boros Initiative

Matchup Mulligan

Final Painter Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the draw) Lotus Petal Beseech the Mirror Mox Opal Scalding Tarn Galvanic Relay Bloodstained Mire Beseech the Mirror Keep or Mulligan? Mulligan This hand needs to draw exactly Dark Ritual to function while still losing to Mindbreak Trap or Surgical ...

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