Godo 2019 — Deck Showcase

General & Tokens

Godo 2019 General 1Godo 2019 General 2

Main Deck

Godo 2019 Main 1Godo 2019 Main 2Godo 2019 Main 3Godo 2019 Main 4Godo 2019 Main 5Godo 2019 Main 6Godo 2019 Main 7Godo 2019 Main 8Godo 2019 Main 9Godo 2019 Main 10Godo 2019 Main 11

Changes since 2018

  • Cavern of Souls — Upgraded!
  • Inferno Titan — Cut this year 🙁
  • Mana Vault — Now Japanese foil!
  • Manifold Key — Makes Godo unblockable, don’t forget!
  • Grim Monolith — Probably never getting another?
  • Helm of the Host — Better than I initially thought.
  • Gamble — Now Japanese foil!
  • Wildfire — I was challenged to upgrade it this year.
  • Karn, the Great Creator — Not very good without a sideboard :/
  • Sandstone Needle — I’m never sure how good this card actually is.

» View 2018 Deck Showcase



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