1. The EPIC Storm The EPIC Storm
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Matchup Mulligan: BR Reanimator II

Matchup Mulligan

Final Death & Taxes Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the play) Echo of Eons Lion’s Eye Diamond Burning Wish Chain of Vapor Abrupt Decay Mox Opal Wishclaw Talisman » Keep or Mulligan? Keep I’ve found that it’s fairly unlikely that your Death & Taxes opponent will have ...

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Through the Looking Glass: BR Reanimator with Jax

Through the Looking Glass

Special Guest A few words on Jax (@Jax_mtg): Davide Aiello, better known as Jax on MTGO, is a combo specialist. Davide has success with Reanimator in the past, including a third-place finish at Ovinogeddon in 2019. He loves to brew and always tries to push the boundaries of combo decks in ...

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Legacy Challenge – 11/29/20 – Round 6 vs. NewHJ with Oops! All spells

TES vs. Oops! All Spells! | Lion's Eye Diamond against Balustrade Spy

the epic Storm .dek (MTGO) | .txt Main Deck 4 Burning Wish 4 Wishclaw Talisman 4 Brainstorm 4 Ponder 1 Tendrils of Agony 1 Ad Nauseam 1 Echo of Eons 4 Veil of Summer 2 Defense Grid 4 Rite of Flame 4 Dark Ritual 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Lotus Petal 3 Mox Opal 3...

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Matchup Mulligan: BR Reanimator

Matchup Mulligan

Moon Stompy Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the play) Keep or Mulligan? Keep Most people correctly answered that this hand is a keep and that’s great. However, about half of these individuals missed a crucial line. With your first Gitaxian Probe if you hit a blue-producing land, ...

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