TES Matchup Battles: Boros Initiative

Matchup Battles

Boros Initiative is a fast and aggressive creature-based deck. The entire deck revolves around getting aggressive and disruptive creatures into play as fast as possible. This means the deck is comprised of mostly fast mana and creatures. These creatures are divided into two categories, fast ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Painter II

Matchup Battles

Painter is a deck that revolves around the card Painter’s Servant and Grindstone. Painter’s Servant chooses a color, and then all cards become that color. When you then activate Grindstone, you can continue repeating the process because the cards share at least one color since they are all the ...

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Through the Looking Glass: Mono-Red Painter with Robert Russo

Through the Looking Glass

Special Guest A few words from Rob: (YouTube: Light_Walker) Hey everyone, I’m Rob, otherwise known as Light_Walker on YouTube. I’ve been playing Magic for about eight years now, but I realized pretty quickly that Legacy was where I wanted to be. I love the cards, and I love the community. I ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Orzhov Death & Taxes

Matchup Battles

Orzhov Death & Taxes has the same core deck as mono white Death and & Taxes, but since the printing of Orcish Bowmasters it has made splash black most of the time. There are many decks in Legacy that draw cards or have one toughness creatures, so Orcish Bowmasters has quickly become a ...

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Through the Looking Glass: Orzhov Death & Taxes with Roland Chang

Through the Looking Glass

Special Guest A few words from Roland Chang: (Twitter: @RolandMTG) Hi, I’m Roland – Eternal specialist, 2005 Vintage & 2006 Legacy World Champion. I’m deeply involved in community building for Eternal constructed formats in the NYC area, connecting with players from all ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Temur Rhinos

Matchup Battles

Temur Rhinos is a deck aimed at assembling a pair of Rhino Token from Crashing Footfalls by the first or second turn. Crashing Footfalls can’t be cast off suspend by that early, but instead is cast off of a cascade trigger from Shardless Agent and Violent Outburst. The only card that you ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Death’s Shadow III

Matchup Battles

Death’s Shadow is a UB deck that is centered around playing cards that cause you to lose life in order to play an early and big Death’s Shadow. There isn’t much of a comprimise in the rest of the deck since most of the Legacy staples already do damage to yourself or have an exact...

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Through the Looking Glass: Death’s Shadow with Parker Southwick

Through the Looking Glass

Special Guest A few words on Parker Southwick: (Twitter: @mr_usea | MTGO: iKhada) Parker Southwick (known online as iKhada) started playing Magic in 2018, right after the release of Dominaria. After starting out with a few less competitive Modern decks, he eventually found (and fell in love ...

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