The EPIC Storm approaches the Magdalen coast – The End

A look behind For the sake of contextualization, let’s say a lot happened for the league since the last article was published. I was ahead in our ranking, but without a comfortable lead over my competition. It was our last weekly event, only was thing was left between that time and the ...
Read MoreThe EPIC Storm approaches the Magdalen coast – A calm before the Tendrils

Words are running from me as the conclusion to this adventure comes near. Following this article, only one should follow; bringing with it the news of my victory or failure. With a single practice night coming next Thursday and our final tournament on Saturday night, I can feel my heartbeat ...
Read MoreThe EPIC Storm approaches the Magdalen coast – Déja vu

Ah, tournament nights. Those with electric sparkles in the air, with a pressure so strong it pushes everyone to their limits, aggravated by the strong winds outside? A shiver of survival where the tension is so dense it’s palpable? You don’t have to be in the hundreds for such a ...
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