Matchup Mulligan: Sultai Beanstalk

Matchup Mulligan

Final Boros Initiative Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the play) Dark Ritual Mox Opal Beseech the Mirror Underground Sea Misty Rainforest Misty Rainforest Bloodstained Mire Keep or Mulligan? Mulligan This hand is a trap! It looks good, but it’s actually mediocre. To understand why, think ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Rainbow Depths

Matchup Mulligan

Final Mono-Green Cloudpost Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the play) Taiga Polluted Delta Bloodstained Mire Bloodstained Mire Mox Opal Chrome Mox Ad Nauseam » Keep or Mulligan? Keep Think of how Mono-Green Cloudpost tries to attack The EPIC Storm, its generally with Pithing Needle, Force of Vigor, ...

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Legacy Challenge – 12/20/20 – Round 1 vs. Oddball with Poki Pile

TES vs. Poki Pile | Carpet against Narset

the epic Storm .dek (MTGO) | .txt Main Deck 4 Burning Wish 4 Wishclaw Talisman 4 Brainstorm 4 Ponder 1 Tendrils of Agony 1 Ad Nauseam 1 Echo of Eons 4 Veil of Summer 2 Defense Grid 4 Rite of Flame 4 Dark Ritual 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Lotus Petal 3 Mox Opal 3...

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Through the Looking Glass: RUG Delver with Eric Vergo

Through the Looking Glass

Special thanks to Eric Vergo for his contributions to today’s article. Since July’s bannings of Deathrite Shaman and Gitaxian Probe, RUG Delver has returned as one of the most played decks in the format. With having a wide array of countermagic and mana denial, RUG Delver can be ...

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Matchup Mulligan: RUG Delver

Matchup Mulligan

BR Reanimator Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan?   Most people correctly answered that this was a keep. This article’s theme will be “Do not live in fear”, and this is a great example of that. While your opponent could have a discard spell or ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Grixis Delver

Matchup Mulligan

Hey! We’re back with another Matchup Mulligan! This series goes over 10 opening hands, 5 pre-board and 5 post-board opening hands. The hands are not random, they’ve been sculpted by me for the purpose of these exercises. Pre-board Hand 1: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? Mulligan ...

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