Best Desire

the epic Storm .dek (MTGO) | .txt Main Deck 4 Brainstorm 4 Wishclaw Talisman 4 Burning Wish 3 Galvanic Relay 3 Echo of Eons 3 Mind’s Desire 4 Veil of Summer 2 Silence 4 Rite of Flame 4 Dark Ritual 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Lotus Petal 4 Mox Opal 4 Chrome Mox 4 Bloodstained...

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Massacre is BACK! The EPIC Storm v14.0 — Live Stream

Massacre is BACK!

the epic Storm .dek (MTGO) | .txt Main Deck 4 Brainstorm 4 Mishra’s Bauble 4 Wishclaw Talisman 4 Burning Wish 3 Galvanic Relay 1 Ad Nauseam 1 Echo of Eons 2 Orim’s Chant 2 Silence 4 Rite of Flame 4 Dark Ritual 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Lotus Petal 4 Mox Opal 3 Chrome Mox...

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Matchup Mulligan: The EPIC Storm II

Matchup Mulligan

Final Doomsday Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the draw) Thoughtseize Burning Wish Wishclaw Talisman Orim’s Chant Scrubland Bloodstained Mire Lotus Petal Keep or Mulligan? Keep Speed isn’t everything! Players focus too much on this. The hand we’re presented with is resistant to a ...

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Double Pyroblasts played in Legacy The EPIC Storm — Live Stream

Double Pyroblasts in TES

the epic Storm .dek (MTGO) | .txt Main Deck 4 Brainstorm 4 Mishra’s Bauble 4 Wishclaw Talisman 4 Burning Wish 3 Galvanic Relay 1 Ad Nauseam 1 Echo of Eons 2 Orim’s Chant 2 Silence 4 Rite of Flame 4 Dark Ritual 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Lotus Petal 4 Mox Opal 3 Chrome Mox...

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Void Rend over Abrupt Decay in Legacy The EPIC Storm v13.8 — Live Stream

Void Rend over Abrupt Decay in Legacy

the epic Storm .dek (MTGO) | .txt Main Deck 4 Brainstorm 4 Mishra’s Bauble 4 Wishclaw Talisman 4 Burning Wish 3 Galvanic Relay 1 Ad Nauseam 1 Echo of Eons 2 Orim’s Chant 2 Silence 4 Rite of Flame 4 Dark Ritual 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Lotus Petal 4 Mox Opal 3 Chrome Mox...

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Orim’s Chant in Legacy The EPIC Storm v13.7 — First Live Stream

Jordan's First Live Stream TES v13.7

the epic Storm .dek (MTGO) | .txt Main Deck 4 Brainstorm 4 Mishra’s Bauble 4 Wishclaw Talisman 4 Burning Wish 3 Galvanic Relay 1 Ad Nauseam 1 Echo of Eons 2 Orim’s Chant 2 Silence 4 Rite of Flame 4 Dark Ritual 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Lotus Petal 4 Mox Opal 3 Chrome Mox...

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TOP 8! Legacy Showcase Challenge with The EPIC Storm v13.7 

TOP 8! Legacy Showcase Challenge + The EPIC Storm v13.7

the epic Storm .dek (MTGO) | .txt Main Deck 4 Brainstorm 4 Mishra’s Bauble 4 Wishclaw Talisman 4 Burning Wish 3 Galvanic Relay 1 Ad Nauseam 1 Echo of Eons 2 Orim’s Chant 2 Silence 4 Rite of Flame 4 Dark Ritual 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Lotus Petal 4 Mox Opal 3 Chrome Mox...

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The sound of SILENCE! 🤫 The EPIC Storm v13.7


the epic Storm .dek (MTGO) | .txt Main Deck 4 Brainstorm 4 Mishra’s Bauble 4 Wishclaw Talisman 4 Burning Wish 3 Galvanic Relay 1 Ad Nauseam 1 Echo of Eons 2 Orim’s Chant 2 Silence 4 Rite of Flame 4 Dark Ritual 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Lotus Petal 4 Mox Opal 3 Chrome Mox...

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Through the Looking Glass: Jeskai Breach with Stefan Schütz

Through the Looking Glass

Special Guest A few words on Stefan Schütz (Twitter: @KingofTraitors | MTGO: MentalMisstep) Stefan had his first contact with Magic: The Gathering at the age of nine, and he immediately fell in love with the game. It didn’t take him very long to find enjoyment in playing Legacy as well ...

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