Today I Fucked Up

Mistakes Were Made I’m on a Greyhound heading out of Atlantic City. A low-grade hangover long since expired and replaced by that flat soda feeling that follows a day or two of excess and irresponsibility. My wallet thinner following a few bouts of bad calls, and the wrong side of rivered two ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Sneak & Show

Matchup Mulligan

Before we get started with Sneak & Show, here’s the answer from last month’s Grixis Delver article: Grixis Delver Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the play) Keep or Mulligan? Keep You have roughly a 64% chance of hitting what you need off of Gitaxian Probe. These cards are: 4 ...

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Deck List Updates – Eternal Weekend & SCG:DC

Over the last few weeks I’ve played in three large Legacy events, this has caused me to question some slots in the deck. Below you can find my thoughts on these questionable slots and possible directions to where The EPIC Storm should be going. Deck Lists Eternal Weekend – Deck List ...

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