1. The EPIC Storm The EPIC Storm
  2. /
  3. Lion’s Eye Diamond

Matchup Mulligan: Dredge II

Matchup Mulligan

Final Sultai Beanstalk Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the draw) Gaea’s Will Dark Ritual Dark Ritual Beseech the Mirror Thoughtseize Bloodstained Mire Misty Rainforest Keep or Mulligan? Keep An important aspect to the Sultai Beanstalk matchup is understanding you have plenty of time. They ...

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Legacy Challenge – 11/22/20 – Round 4 vs. Vivarus with The EPIC Storm

TES vs. TES | Rite of Flame against Chrome Mox

the epic Storm .dek (MTGO) | .txt Main Deck 4 Burning Wish 4 Wishclaw Talisman 4 Brainstorm 4 Ponder 1 Tendrils of Agony 1 Ad Nauseam 1 Echo of Eons 4 Veil of Summer 2 Defense Grid 4 Rite of Flame 4 Dark Ritual 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Lotus Petal 3 Mox Opal 3...

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Through the Looking Glass: Dredge (Mana) with Patrick Schuster

Through the Looking Glass

Special thanks to Patrick Schuster for his contributions to today’s article. Since the metagame has settled after the bannings of Deathrite Shaman and Gitaxian Probe, graveyard decks such as Dredge have started to become very strong in the Legacy metagame. A lot of this has to do with the ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Dredge

Matchup Mulligan

Grixis Control Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? Keep I would likely keep this hand, but I wouldn’t just jam on the first turn if I drew a land. I would cast Duress. Your opponent likely has Flusterstorm, Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, and Force of Will, ...

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