Through the Looking Glass: Selesnya Depths with Dan Neeley

Through the Looking Glass

Special Guest Dan Neeley (Twitter: danneeley1 | MTGO: DNEELEY) Dan Neeley is a Legacy player known for playing Selesnya Depths, Maverick, and four-color Loam. Dan has a Star City Games Legacy Open Top 8, multiple MTGO Challenge Wins, and other smaller achievements. Dan is a father of three ...

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Through the Looking Glass: Golgari Depths with Tom Hepp

Through the Looking Glass

Special Guest A few words on Tom Hepp (Twitter: @Negator77 | MTGO: Negator77 & Duplicatore): Tom is a Legacy and dog lover from just outside of Philadelphia. He made the top eight of two of the MTGO Legacy Playoff events, the top 4 of the January Legacy PTQ, won an SCG Legacy Classic, and was...

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Through the Looking Glass: Lands with Jarvis Yu

Through the Looking Glass

Special thanks to Jarvis Yu for his contributions to today’s article.  Lands is a legacy mainstay that has grown in popularity over the last few years. Until recently, Lands was always seen as a free win for The Epic Storm, but as Lands players have gained access to more powerful lands ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Turbo Depths

Matchup Battles

Turbo Depths is a combo deck that tries to generate a Marit Lage token (20/20 Flying Indestructible) by either removing all of the counters with Vampire Hexmage or by creating a copy of Dark Depths with 0 counters using Thespian’s Stage. They try to do this very quickly (hence the name ...

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