Through the Looking Glass: Sagavan with Matthew Vook

Through the Looking Glass

Special Guest A few words on Matthew Vook (TWITTER: @Ozymandias172| MTGO: Ozymandias17) Matthew Vook is the finalist of SCG DC Legacy 2017, the winner of SCG Baltimore Legacy 2018, and the 2019 MTGO Legacy Format Champion. He has numerous MTGO Legacy Challenge top8s and several wins primarily ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Jeskai Ragavan

Matchup Battles

Jeskai Ragavan is a midrange deck made up of counterspells, removal spells, and cheap creatures with the main one being Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer. Ever since its printing, many decks have been trying to use Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, and the Jeskai shell seems to be doing it the best. Jeskai ...

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The Legacy Pit Open (09/19/2021) — 16th Place

Legacy Pit Open

In the weeks leading up to The Legacy Pit Open, I have been “heating-up” so-to-speak after a prolonged slump. With the addition of some powerful white cards to The EPIC Storm (TES), which you can read about below, I was feeling very confident heading into this weekend. I traveled ...

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