Opportunity Cost: Deck Building

Opportunity Cost Deck Building

The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. -Oxford Dictionary Opportunity cost is a term normally associated with finance and investing. In Magic: The Gathering, opportunity cost has deck building and playing applications. While playing, it tends to be ...

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How to Desire

How to Desire

After 20 years, Mind’s Desire has been unbanned in Legacy! After being legal in the format for only a few months, this powerful Storm spell has been released into Legacy. Previously, we thought that even if unbanned, Mind’s Desire might not even be good enough to play and was just ...

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David Becker vs. Samantha Murphy with Golgari Midrange

David Becker (Storm) VS Samantha Murphy (Golgari Control)

the epic Storm .dek (MTGO) | .txt Main Deck 4 Mishra’s Bauble 4 Urza’s Bauble 4 Veil of Summer 4 Brainstorm 4 Infernal Tutor 4 Burning Wish 3 Galvanic Relay 1 Ad Nauseam 4 Rite of Flame 4 Dark Ritual 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Lotus Petal 4 Mox Opal 4 Bloodstained Mire 1 Scalding...

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Metalcrafting the Perfect Bauble

Mishra's Bauble

For the past six months, The EPIC Storm (TES) team has been experimenting with many lists cutting Rite of Flame. extra lands, main deck copies of Carpet of Flowers, and more moxen were all underwhelming and Rite of Flame was slotted back in. Recently, however, Mishra’s Bauble has taken ...

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Sideboarding in the New Legacy

Witherbloom Command

Legacy recently had one of the most monumental shifts in the format: the bannings of Dreadhorde Arcanist, Oko, Thief of Crowns, and Arcum’s Astrolabe. The two weeks since this banning have been a flurry of brewing and seeing resurgences of older strategies that have been dormant during ...

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Beyond Rite of Flame

Carpet of Flowers Hero Image

Over time, it is common for decks to evolve and cut cards that were once essential to their strategy. The EPIC Storm cut Infernal Tutor for Wishclaw Talisman to great success in 2019. Identifying cards that can seem to be linchpins, but can be upgraded is essential to evolving and continuing to ...

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Sideboard Theory: Extirpate and Surgical Extraction


Before we dive into this article I want to introduce myself. My name is Steve Vultaggio. I am a 25-year-old Masters student living in New Orleans. Who Dat! Originally, I am from Boston, Massachusetts and am a life long Bruins and Patriots fan. I have been playing Magic the Gathering since 2000, ...

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Eternal Weekend (10/21/17) – 23rd Place

Warning: I didn’t realize I would be writing a tournament report until the very later rounds of the tournament, so I didn’t keep detailed notes in my earlier matches, and as you can imagine after playing 11 rounds in a day my memory was beginning to get fuzzy about the beginning rounds. ...

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