Through the Looking Glass: ANT with Cyrus Corman-Gill

Through the Looking Glass

Special Guest A few words on Cyrus Corman-Gill (Twitter: @cyruscg | MTGO: CyrusCG) Cyrus has been playing Magic since 2005, and Legacy since 2016. Playing Ad Nauseam Tendrils, they won Grand Prix Atlanta in 2019 and SCG Las Vegas in 2018. In addition, they have top 8’d Eternal Weekend in both ...

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Bolas’s Citadel — a Deep Dive for Legacy

Bolass Citadel

War of the Spark has been out for less than three weeks and already we are seeing a heavy impact of the set in all formats. From Neoform breaking Allosaurus Rider in Modern to Karn, The Great Creator finding Mycosynth Lattice to lock opponents out in Legacy and Vintage, there is no question ...

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