Matchup Mulligan: Painter III

Matchup Mulligan

Final Orzhov Death & Taxes Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the play) Beseech the Mirror Chrome Mox Mox Opal Mishra’s Bauble Underground Sea Gaea’s Will Volcanic Island Keep or Mulligan? Mulligan This hand is incredibly risky, let’s assume our opponent doesn’t have ...

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Through the Looking Glass: Painter with Jack Kitchen

Through the Looking Glass

Special Guest A few words on Jack Kitchen (Twitter: jkitch44 | MTGO: utley26 ): Jack Kitchen has been playing Legacy Painter since 2012 with the occasional foray into Dredge and The EPIC Storm (TES). Most recently, he recorded a top four finish at the SCG Play 4 Power. You can read all about ...

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