Card Considerations: Removal

When people think about the types of cards that The EPIC Storm plays, rarely will people mention removal spells. The deck has played a variety of removal over the years, including bounce spells, spot removal, and mass removal. In the current iteration of the sideboard, let’s take a look ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Esper Stoneblade

Matchup Battles

Esper Stoneblade and other Stoneblade variations have been around for a long time ever since the printing of Stoneforge Mystic and Jace, the Mind Sculptor. It has gone through waves of success from being one of the best decks, down to pretty bad, and then back up to good again. Because of the ...

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Through the Looking Glass: Death’s Shadow with Ben Friedman

Through the Looking Glass

Special thanks to Ben Friedman for his contributions to today’s article. Death’s Shadow has been an existing deck in legacy for quite some time now, however, it’s popularity has spiked immensely since its showing at Pro Tour 25th Anniversary. For this month’s edition of ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Death’s Shadow

Matchup Mulligan

Burn Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? Keep I read a lot of back and forth on this hand. While I’m not sure of a definite answer, I’d probably keep it knowing I had a scry and a draw step to help fix things. The downside is the earliest you can...

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